Friday, September 2, 2011

Busy Little Beavers

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. Daniel and Ashli welcomed new baby
Ryland  to our family. We all went to his blessing and the same day
all the grand kids had a talent show. It was adorable. Then we went and 
spent some family time at the La Plata County Fair. It so fun. The girls
enjoyed the rides and the animals and it was just fun to watch them get so excited.
Penny, Lila and Addy are all getting so big I can hardly believe it. Addy rolls all
over the place and feeds herself the bottle. Lila is talking up a storm
and has become quite assertive. She defiantly lets you know what she wants.
And Penny is at the "do it myself" stage. She wants to do everything by herself
and she tries to negotiate everything too. It's getting fun here at our house that's for sure. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

We sure miss you guys! It looks like you have been super busy but it has been fun! What a precious family!