Friday, September 23, 2011

And All That Jazz

I know what some of you may be thinking..... "Really Heather a post for your dead dog..."
I know she was a dog and all day I've been saying to myself "You shouldn't be 
so upset, she was just a dog." But she was not just a dog. Part of the 
thing is that living where I live there is not a constant stream of  companionship 
at my house. Some days this is good, some days it is not so good.
But since Jazz came to our home she has always been there to keep
me company. She was perfectly content just to be near me. She loved my
daughters and they loved her. She was friendly and happy and she
was always so careful of the kids. She was only a year and half
old but I am better because I had her. You can think that I am 
a crazy person and "she was JUST a dog" But more than that she was
my friend. So tonight I will cry. Tomorrow I will hug Ralph and be glad
that I still have him, I will still remember that he is a dog and not a person
but I will more fully acknowledge my need for him and that's okay. 
I am thankful to know that Jazz is safe and no longer in pain and I'm grateful
for the happiness she brought to me and my family.


Aubrey said...

Heather - you have every right to mourn the loss of Jazz. Those who have never had an animal companion just don't get it and never will. All that matter's is that you lost some one that was special to you and your family. Hang in there and keep those special moments close to your heart. Sending extra ((((HUGS)))) your way.

Melissa said...

I am so sorry that you guys have suffered a loss! I had seen on facebook that you were looking for the dog but I had no idea it had died or was sick. We are sending lots of love your way from Rexburg. We love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

I miss Jazz too I was alittle sad when my mom told me love you claudia