Saturday, January 1, 2011

Give it a try

I'm not normally someone that is big on "new year" resolutions but
I have been inspired this year by a lot of people my mom, my sister,
my husband, Aubrey, and others. I am going to publicly set goals
in a hope that it will help me stick to them.
My parents paid for me to get a personalized meal plan that
I will start after I have the baby. So my goals are.....
1. Lose 50 lbs
2. Maintain a healthier life style
3. Potty train Penny
4. Teach Lila baby sign
5. Work with our dogs on their manners
6. Learn Spanish ( to some degree)
7. Improve scripture study
8. Hold FHE EVERY Monday
9. Finish Personal Progress
10. Do my best to improve attitude about myself and others
I think 10 is more than enough goals for one year. We'll
see how I do.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Heather I know you can accomplish any goal you set your mind to!